This Week’s Music: Good Morning

I don’t know about you, but I’m not a morning person. At all. But nice morning music definitely helps! Here are some songs and tracks from my own playlist that I listen to just about every morning!


From Up On Poppy Hill – Breakfast Song (Asagohan no Uta) 朝ご飯の歌

a mix about cats, love, breakfast and being tired

“Bee and Puppycat: Food” track 03 Motorbike / Groceries

A Town With An Ocean View – Kiki’s Delivery Service

Bee And Puppycat – “Beach” OST (Full)

Outset Island – The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD

in love with a ghost | healing

Animal Crossing: New Leaf OST – 7 AM

From Up On Poppy Hill – Off to School in the Morning

Theophany – Clocktown


Have any suggestions of music or music themes? Leave a comment for me! ❤

This Week’s Music: Magical Girl!

Sometimes you need a little more magic in your life. These are some songs I listen to when I want to feel ready to transform and take on the baddies!



Star vs. the Forces of Evil – The Ballad of Star Butterfly (Song)

Sailor Moon Crystal OST – Moon Prism Power, Make Up!

Shugo Chara Full Opening 1

Little Witch Academia OP Full – Shiny Ray

X and Y Champion Diantha Remix

Star Vs the Forces of Evil Soundtrack Yard Battle

Steven Universe Soundtrack ♫ – Mirror Match



Have any suggestions of music or music themes? Leave a comment for me! ❤


This Week’s Music: Rain Mixes

Ready for some rain? I find rain mixes to be highly relaxing and calming, especially for when I need to sleep.


Have any suggestions of music or music themes? Leave a comment for me! ❤

This Week’s Music: Fantasy

Time for some tunes!

This week’s theme is fantasy, so here are some soundtracks with a magical feel to them! I find soundtracks particularly nice to listen to while I’m working, music with lyrics can make it hard to write or concentrate.


Things To Do Instead Of Being Sad That It’s Still Cold Outside

I don’t know about you, but winter is the most challenging season for me. January and February especially since the holidays are all over and “regular life” starts back up again, people go back to work and school and if you live up north like me, everything just seems like it falls and gets buried underneath a layer of snow.

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But I’ve already felt down. I know what that’s like, I’ve tried being sad and doing nothing for a while, and…surprise! Nothing changed. I didn’t feel good for a month and a half so now I’m deciding to shake things up a bit and try to find other things to focus on besides how upset all the snow and cold makes me.

And that brings me to today’s post. Here are some nice things to do and focus on instead of thinking about your winter blues!


Try Hygge



Pronounced as “hue-gah” or “hoo-gah” (depending on your source), hygge is a Danish word that has no direct English translation, but is described as having a feeling of comfort whether it be in the home, or out enjoying the company and comfort of friends. Mostly though, it is seen quite literally as “the art of being cozy” and is a major reason why the Danes can maintain such happy and healthy lifestyles so far in the dark, cold north where winter is a very prominent part of their lives.

Hygge doesn’t have to be a lifestyle, but some of the tips and tricks used in “the art of being cozy” can be directly applied to anyone’s life. While I do plan on writing a full post on hygge in the future, you can easily grab a fluffy blanket, light some candles, and maybe bake (or grab from your fridge) some yummy treats for yourself – and you’re already practicing hygge!


Music Cures All


I’m a big believer in music having a huge impact on our emotions and the way we feel about life and things in general. The same applies for winter! While I sometimes find listening to tropical tunes a good way to escape from the winter storms outside, I have to admit that sometimes dreaming of the sun and clear ocean waters can just make everything worse.

For some classy winter vibes, maybe check out the Cafe Music BGM channel. This is one of my favorite channels to relax to, in fact, I’m listening to this live radio on the channel right now. There are dozens of mixes to listen to, and all are very calming and relaxing.

And of course, for my geeks out there, how about a listen to that Skyrim soundtrack? This video has included all the ambience soundtracks from the daytime in the game, and there’s even one for all the nighttime tracks as well.
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…okay sorry Cafe BGM, but it’s time to switch over to Skyrim for now.

Try A New Hot Chocolate Recipe

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Pinterest is your go-to for this project. Seriously. Go to, slap “hot chocolate” in the search bar and you’ve got hot chocolate recipes galore. Or if hot chocolate somehow isn’t your thing (like, what’s wrong with you?), you could try the same thing with coffee recipes or any of your other favorite warm drinks.


Play Some Video Games



I’m going to have to tone my game-loving obsessive side down a bit and attempt to recommend just a few video games to play. I’m going to keep my thoughts on these games veeeerrryyy brief, because you best believe that the future of this blog has some very invested and in-depth game reviews/recommendations.

  1. Animal Crossing: New Leaf…it’s a game about running a happy town with animal villagers who all are adorable and quirky. This game is incredibly happy and relaxing, 10/10 would sell my soul for Marshall.
  2. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim…relaxing not your thing and you’d rather slay dragons, practice black magic, or run an underground theives guild all while saving the world in a frigid environment? Play Skyrim. And trust me when I say that the Theives Guild is my home away from home.
  3. The Legend of Zelda: Windwaker…let’s pretend for a second that you are not only an adorable chibi boy, but you’re also a hero sailing from island to island on a quest to save your sister. Open ocean? Check. Fun gameplay? Check (I mean, come on, it’s Nintendo). Quirky cartoon-y art style? Check and check.
  4. Pokemon Platinum…Bundle up, bucko, because we’re heading up north to catch Pokemon buried not only in the snow, but in nostalgia as well. I honestly don’t have a whole lot to say since it’s basically your standard Pokemon game, but it’s one of the few titles with a lot of snow and mountains. Actually scratch that. I do have more to say. Nintendo, WHERE IS OUR REMAKE?!?!


Alright, that’s all from me for today! What are some of your favorite ways to spend your time in February or during any of the colder months? Have you ever heard of “hygge” before? Or what are some of your favorite games to play when you find yourself cooped up indoors? Be sure to let me know by dropping me a comment!