This Week’s Music: Kawaii Queen

It’s time to get your kawaii on, shoujo-san. Here are some fun tunes to play when you’re late for your first day of your shining high school life, sprinting down the street with buttered toast hanging out of your mouth! Ganbatte!


K-ON! Opening 1 – “Cagayake! GIRLS” FULL (romaji) [ENG SUB]

Motteke! Sailor Fuku! – Lucky Star Full Opening

DECO*27 – Fakery Tale feat. Hatsune Miku / 音偽バナシ feat.初音ミク

【Nico Nico Chorus 合唱】Otsukimi Recital / Moon-Viewing Recital / オツキミリサイタル

Hatsune Miku Soft – Hello/How are you (haro/hawayu) PV (English Subs)

Fairy Tail ending 1 Kanpeki gu no ne

【俺妹op1】irony full

Fairy Tail Ending 11 Full HD – Glitter /w Lyrics

(Cover) Goose house – オトノナルホウヘ→ (Oto no Naru Hou e→ , 銀の匙, SilverSpoon 2nd Seasons Ending)


Have any suggestions of music or music themes? Leave a comment for me! ❤

This Week’s Music: Magical Girl!

Sometimes you need a little more magic in your life. These are some songs I listen to when I want to feel ready to transform and take on the baddies!



Star vs. the Forces of Evil – The Ballad of Star Butterfly (Song)

Sailor Moon Crystal OST – Moon Prism Power, Make Up!

Shugo Chara Full Opening 1

Little Witch Academia OP Full – Shiny Ray

X and Y Champion Diantha Remix

Star Vs the Forces of Evil Soundtrack Yard Battle

Steven Universe Soundtrack ♫ – Mirror Match



Have any suggestions of music or music themes? Leave a comment for me! ❤


It’s squishy…so what?

I’m so glad you asked!

You might have seen them popping up more and more…moving from the exclusive online world “to a store near you.” I had only heard of the term “squishies” about a year ago from some extreme collectors who made YouTube videos on them, and not too long after, they really started taking off in a trend not too unlike the slime one a lot of us are familiar with today.


What’s a “squishy” you might ask? While there’s no exact term that I know of, I would call a squishy a type of stress toy similar to slime, kinetic sand, fidget spinners and cubes, or even a stress ball. They typically come in cute shapes and colors and are often scented as well, and are very popular among collectors.

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Okay, time to come clean… I was actually a bit of a squishy collector for a moment.

Some of my very first YouTube videos were squishy themed, inspired by watching dozens of other YouTubers showing off their collections and making reviews. I eventually discovered that there were even “brand name” squishies, and I learned about the variations in quality as well.

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So why bother writing a blog post about these unusual little toys? Well, I actually found squishies to be extremely relaxing to play with, and, similar to other stress or fidget toys, they helped me relax or focus on what I needed to do. And even though I’m not quite as into these toys as I used to be, I still keep one of my favorites on my desk for a stress reliever when I’m doing work or school assignments.

So, if you’re interested in a quick guide to squishies, keep reading!



Part 1: Quality

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Trust me when I say that there are high quality squishies and low quality squishies. Seriously. These toys might seem like they’re all the same, but when it comes to quality, there are some major differences.

The first thing most collectors look at is pretty obvious: the squishiness. You can easily tell if a squishy is well made by how well the squishy holds “hand crinkles” (the dents your fingers make in the squishy after squeezing it) and how slowly it rises back to its original shape and size. Most collectors view slow-rising as high quality…these aren’t simple stress balls after all! The goal is to have a very soft and obviously squishable toy. If the squishy barely squishes, it’s just not the best.

Part 2: Scent

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That gif is my sister and me in my very first squishy video I made…and even though I think her reaction to how it smelled was a little dramatic, I have to admit that the eBay squishy grab bag might not have been the best way to introduce myself to squishies.

Scent also plays into the quality of the squishy, and most squishies are scented in a way that helps add to how relaxing they are (or in some cases, how terrible they are). Some of the most common scents are strawberry, chocolate, and “bread” (though this scent can vary quite a bit). Others just smell “sweet” and I even have one that smells like pineapple.

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Part 3: Where To Buy

Where you buy squishies plays a major role in how good the quality is. As I mentioned, my first squishies I ever bought were from an eBay grab bag and they were all so bad that I ended up using them as deco experiments (which turned out surprisingly well)!

Not to totally throw eBay out of the picture, as I have actually purchased some nicer squishies from the site, but for people just starting out it can be pretty hard to tell which ones are real and which are fakes or dupes of nicer brands.


The above images are some examples of dupes (the left) vs. the actual product (the right).

If you don’t want to try your luck with sites like eBay, you can head over to some of my favorite reputable sites that I’ve used to buy my squishies before:

These are all known as “brand name” squishy sites that are all of pretty high quality. I’ve personally never bought squishies from in-store shops as most of them seem to be made pretty cheaply, but I will say that brand name squishies can be pretty darn pricey. If quality isn’t your main concern, then I’d say for sure try out eBay or stores like Target or Claire’s if they’re available in your area!

Part 4: Videos!


Don’t want to get squishies for yourself? Then videos are the way to go! I binge-watched squishy hauls and reviews before I decided I wanted any. Similar to crafting videos, I find watching squishy videos to be very relaxing and calming. Seeing all the cute styles and bright or pastel colors is always refreshing to me. I often will have a squishy video just playing in the background while I work.

If you’d like to check out some squishy collector YouTubers, then you can click on any of the links below:

TheHollycopter (almost exclusively squishy content with a few other crafty/collector videos mixed in)

grav3yardgirl (wide variety of videos, but she went through a major squishy phase with HUGE squishy haul videos like this one)

Ketchupgiri (another almost exclusively squishy channel, she does a lot of squishy related crafts along with her hauls and reviews)

Me. Surprise! I’ve made a few squishy videos in my day, so if you’d like to check some of them out, you can stop by my channel! And click here to see one of mine that seems to be kinda popular. 🙂


Have you ever heard of squishies before? What are your thoughts? Do you have any favorites? Be sure to let me know by leaving me a comment!

This Week’s Music: Relaxation and Positivity

Every week, I’ll be adding new music links here to promote ~relaxation~ and ~good vibes~ 😉 I hope they make your day a little brighter!


Here is this week’s music link list!

What are some of your favorite positive and relaxing songs? Please feel free to recommend me your favorites…they might appear on next week’s list!


You Can Be An Anime Fashion Stylist If You Want

Okay, let’s start things off by jumping right into my latest addiction.

While fashion games usually aren’t my forte, with the hit app game Love Nikki in the back of my mind and the -4 degree weather outside in front, I decided to download the free demo of Style Savvy: Styling Star from the Nintendo eShop.



Seriously, while I like a fashion game or two from time to time, usually adventure/fantasy genres are more my thing, but right away this game had me hooked. I happened to be in dire need of a light, cutesy, fluffy distraction from the frigid Minnesota winter and this was just thing to quench my kawaii thirst. I plowed through the demo and soon found myself waiting for the full game download to finish. Now, after a solid week of playing and hours upon hours put into my digital boutique, I can say that I’m definitely a fan.


Style Savvy: Styling Star is the latest release in the Style Savvy series (a series in which I have never played any games prior to this one) and follows the adventures of you, the main character, who arrives in a small town and inherits a fashion boutique from her uncle. It is then up to the player to run, stock, and manage the boutique while making recommendations to customers and over time, growing the whole town due to your success.


Without getting into all the technicalities of the game (for more in-depth reviews of this game, I’ve included some links at the bottom of this post), the game is pretty straight-forward: help customers by picking out items from your boutique to sell to them based on their requests, and when you run out of stock, you go pick out more. There is a sort of a story you can follow as well, as you follow the rising talents of young girls all trying to become singers and help them pick out outfits for various performances, shoots, etc.

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Perhaps that might sound boring, but it’s surprisingly not. There are literally hundreds of articles of clothing, and the game gives you nice shortcuts for where things might get a little tedious like when it comes to restocking clothing for your boutique. And if you get tired of all the clothes, you can step out for a bit and help out at the hair stylist’s or the beauty parlor.


The characters are incredibly endearing, and the game gives off some major “anime idol” vibes. More than getting into the technicalities of fashion, this game focuses much more on the feel-good aspect, with fashion being more of a way to improve people’s lives through positivity as opposed to about running an actual business. The bright colors, upbeat music, creativity, and shoujo anime-style characters make this game a super relaxing and fun play.

Overall, while not the most mind-blowing experience, for what it does, it does it really well. It’s a feel-good fashion game, and it delivers. And I had (and still have) a lot of fun playing it!


This game is only available for digital download in the Nintendo eShop. It’s current price is $39.99 USD. If you have the money and the desire to be an anime idol’s fashion stylist, I definitely recommend it!

Here are some more in-depth reviews for those of you who are interested: